Coronavirus in Numbers – Official Data

Coronavirus in Numbers – Official Data

Last Week MDA Teams sampled 103,876 people*. Since the beginning of the Coronavirus Outbreak MDA Teams Sampled almost Million People.

Magen David Adom announced on Thursday the 27th of August, that since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak (February 24), MDA teams have sampled 1,053,864 people. The samples where performed over the past months at a variety of sites, nationwide, in private homes, clinics, hospitals, nursing homes as part of the “Protecting Fathers and Mothers” project, educational institutions, and in MDA Drive and Test facilities.

Last week (20-26.8) MDA EMTs and paramedics, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Home Front Command and the HMOs have sampled 103,876 people, the highest number of samples in one week . 6,055 samples were taken in people’s homes and 30,379 at MDA’s Drive and Test facilities.

According to MDA data, MDA EMTs and paramedics sampled 218,939 peoples in homes and in schools.

Test Facilities 

287,751 samples were taken at MDA’s Drive and Test facilities. At the permanent facilities in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva 120,732 people have been sampled. Of those sampled, 50,708 were in Ganey Yehoshua, Tel Aviv, 49,922 in Teddy compound Jerusalem, 14,968 in Haifa and 9,488 in Beer Sheva. In addition, as needed, Magen David Adom operates additional Drive and Test complexes throughout the country.

MDA is continuing to operate the Drive and Test facilities, whilst also carrying out testing in nursing homes and long term care facilities throughout the country and also in houses of various HMOs’ the insured homes of the various HMOs’ insured patients, if necessary
To date, MDA obtained 3,180 samples from travelers who returned to Israel from abroad at a special stand in Ben Gurion airport.

In addition, MDA paramedics have taken 3,000 serological tests, and evacuated thousands of confirmed patients from their home for hospitalization. MDA’s 101 Emergency Call Centers also show a significant increase in citizen inquiries, which reached 16,237 calls a day this week, an increase of about 270% compared to a routine day

Along with taking hundreds of thousands of samples for Coronavirus, MDA blood services continue to collect plasma from those who have recovered from the Coronavirus for the treatment of severely ill patients and the production of a passive vaccine. To date, those who have recovered from Coronavirus have donated approximately 6,363 plasma units. 1,198 units have been given to 599 Coronavirus patients in moderate and severe condition (2 units each).

MDA continues its activity of sampling in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Home Front Command and the four HMOs. They also carry out verified patient transfers to hospitalization, all in addition to the organization’s routine and emergency activities.

Shimon Peres’ funeral supervised by MDA Israel

The funeral ceremony of Shimon Peres, Israel’s 9th President is scheduled  in Jerusalem on September 30th with the world’s leaders, including U.S.A President Barack Obama, the British Royal Family and Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President.

Eli Bin, Director General of Magen David Adom Israel, was instructed to dispatch staff and volunteers in order to secure this extraordinary event. Peres, who was 93 years old was a long-time MDA supporter and greeted volunteers many times throughout the years. 

“My MDA”: E-health app from Magen David launched today in Israel.

“My MDA” app, the new smartphone application that was designed and developed by Magen David Adom was launched today in Israel. The “My MDA” app is the easiest way to contact Magen David Adom emergency dispatch and get rapid professional assistance at any time. This is a new step forward in e-health technology and Magen David Adom is always on the lookout to find new possibilities to give the very best assistance, without wasting any precious time. A video campaign was also released today and explains to English-speaking residents and visitors how to use the app.

Magen David Adom Overseas programme celebrates its 25th anniversary.

Magen David Adom overseas volunteers programme is marking its 25th anniversary today. Listen to volunteers from all over the world as they share their lifesaving experiences in our latest video. Whether they are from USA, Canada, Spain or France, young people are coming to Israel to improve their lifesaving skills.

MDA nationwide innovative Volunteer Community First Responders Program launched on 26th January, 2016

Tuesday 26 January 2016, saw the launch of the new and innovative Magen David Adom Volunteer Community First Responders Program that every Israeli citizen with basic first aid training can be a part of. A special mobile phone application will identify the location of the nearest Community First Responder to the patient in need of assistance and activate him/her immediately, thereby providing speedier response times to a person suffering from potentially life threatening medical problems, such as unconsciousness or cardiac arrest. At the same time, additional measures will be taken: the MDA EMT/Paramedic Dispatcher will provide medical guidelines over the phone to the caller and an MDA ambulance or Mobile Intensive Care Unit and MDA professional First Responders on Medi-Cycles will be also dispatched to the scene within 2-5 minutes – to save a life and to reduce the chance of further disability. The innovative project, which in Hebrew is called “Ne’emaney Haim” – “Life Guardians,” calls upon all Israelis who have undergone 20 hours of basic CPR and First Aid training to join in and take an active role. MDA predicts that within a few months, thousands of Volunteer Community First Responders will be activated as part of this new national, community person to person emergency support and response system.

A Gift To Remember

A lifesaving ambulance dedicated in memory of Sylvia and Sam Needleman by their children.

On January 21st 2016 family and friends of Sylvia and Sam Needleman z”l came together in Jerusalem for a dedication ceremony of the lifesaving ambulance donated in memory of the parents via Magen David Adom in the UK.

Elaine Mandel and Peter Needleman were excited to share the wonderful occasion with their family and friends.  “We feel this is a great way to honor their memory and continue what our parents started with Tzedakah for the State of Israel, may it only be used for many births!” said Elaine.

Following the unveiling of the inscription and the handing over of the keys to Israel Katz, the driver of the ambulance, Ido Golan-Gutin of the British Desk at the MDA International Relations Department explained to the family where the ambulance is stationed (The city of Arad in the south of Israel as part of the MDA Negev region), its importance within the organization and the teams that will work on it, mainly comprising of volunteers.
“Thanks to lifesaving gifts such as this ambulance and the wonderful support MDA receives from people like you in the UK and around the world we can continue to save lives each and every day.  We cherish and admire your support and thank you for it.”

Needleman dedication Needleman dedication Needleman dedication



On Sunday evening, 6th December, Raleigh Close Shul played host to the Magen David Adom Hendon annual dinner, which attracted over 100 people. During the evening, guests were entertained by the band G’zang, featuring the likes of Shimi Godman and Deror Margalit. Guests were then shown an appeal film that featured Filddler on the Roof’, Chaim Topal. Chief Executive of MDA UK, Daniel Burger presented the Hendon committee with a certificate in recognition of their 4th ambulance which was dedicated earlier this year. Speaking after the event, Chairman of MDA Hendon Committee, David Hillel said: “It was a fabulous evening and Topal helped us to raise nearly £20,000 which will go towards saving more lives in Israel. We are thrilled with this, especially given the current threatening situation in Israel.”

Manchester Magen David Adom Annual Dinner 2015

On Sunday 29th November, The Lowry hotel played host to Manchester Magen David Adom UK’s ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ fundraising dinner. Some 220 guests attended the event and raised over £100,000 for Israel’s only national medical and emergency blood service. This money will be used to purchase the everyday essential consumables – the items that fill the ambulances and first responder kits that save lives on a daily basis. A short film featuring the blood, sweat and tears of MDA …medics and paramedics was shown. The film featured MDA paramedic, Ilan Klein, who following the film spoke briefly about his first-hand experiences and the life-saving work MDA carries out including some of the most recent attacks in the Old City and Jerusalem over the past days. Tragically, Ilan was present at the scene of the Henkin murder near Itamar. Guests were then entertained by comedy star, Jack Whitehall. Following his routine, Jack took the time to talk to the Manchester committee and volunteers, even sharing a few ‘selfies’ with them. Speaking after the event, MDA UK Chief Executive, Daniel Burger commented: “The Manchester community has always been generous in its support of Magen David Adom. It was incredible to see so many people come out to show support at a time when MDA in Israel is working under extreme pressure in very difficult circumstances.” Manchester Magen David Adom Chairman, Jeremy Hart, added, “It was incredible to see so many young people in the room tonight. The future of MDA, both here and in Israel, is in safe hands.” The appeal film, ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ can be viewed and shared here: – See more at:


On Friday 20th November, British Gap Year Students were invited, for the first time in over 20 years, to give blood in Israel.

British students were invited to the MDA Headquarters in Jerusalem where they were met by the British Ambassador, David Quarrey, participated in a tour of the building, and (those who were eligible) gave blood. Out of approximately 50 participants, MDA received 37 blood unit donations.

The initiative, from Magen David Adom UK in conjunction with Mitzvah Day, recognised that British people in Israel have long wanted to donate blood, but have been prevented in doing so because of laws surrounding the ‘Mad Cow Disease’ outbreak in the 1980’s. Now, the post-6th form students currently in Israel and around the world were born in 1997, so they are now eligible.

In light of the recent spate of terror attacks, Israeli authorities have sent out urgent appeals for blood.

British Ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey commented: “As British Ambassador to Israel, I was delighted to join the hundreds of people across the UK volunteering for Mitzvah Day – a unique social action initiative. It was wonderful to see so many young volunteers on their gap year in Israel take part in the MDA UK blood drive. MDA UK has helped to make a real difference to numerous lives in Israel through its support for MDA and its medics who carry out their vital work on a daily basis.”

Magen David Adom Chief Executive Daniel Burger sees this as a pivotal moment for UK supporters of MDA: “For the first time in a very long time, through giving blood, young British people can make a real difference in helping Magen David Adom to save lives in Israel. This comes at a time when MDA and our blood services have been pushed to the limit in being ready for the most unpredictable of attacks”.

Ido Golan Gutin (Fundraising & International Relations Department, Magen David Adom Israel), Daniel Burger (Chief Executive, MDA UK), Ambassador David Quarrey, Gap Year students and MDA Israel’s Yonatan Yagodovsky (Director, Fundraising) David Quarrey, Professor Eilat Shinar (head of Israel’s Blood Centre), Daniel Burger Gap year students giving blood in Israel Gap year students giving blood in Israel